News & Articles

Sponge boss wins women’s business award A Plymouth entrepreneur, who created one of the UK’s most successful elearning companies, has won an award…

Sponge recognised as Outstanding Learning Organisation of the Year Elearning experts have recognised the importance of creativity and innovation in driving the…

Think like game designers plea at eLN conference The eLearning Network’s annual conference will hear how “thinking like game designers” can help learning…

Induction wins shortlisting for Farmfoods and Sponge An induction programme by Farmfoods that not only welcomes new employees to the company but helps to…

5 ways to reduce your cost per hire with elearning If your cost per hire doesn't take into account the cost of bringing a new employee up to optimum…

Triple finalist place in Venus Awards for Sponge boss An entrepreneur who runs a successful elearning company in Plymouth has won a triple place in the final of

4 elearning tricks the NHS could borrow from retail Retailers are among the most innovative when it comes to elearning, but what can they teach the National…

Sponge shortlisted for Outstanding Learning Organisation award Custom-made elearning provider, Sponge has been shortlisted in one of the most sought-after…

NHS Trust frees up more time for patient care with new elearning One of the largest NHS Trusts providing community, mental health, learning disability and…

Laura Overton: Are today’s L&D leaders sticking to the familiar? Early findings from this year’s Towards Maturity Benchmark study shows that many L&D…

Mothercare invests in leading-edge elearning for staff Retailer Mothercare is modernising its approach to health and safety training by moving online with its…

Sponge named International Trade Business of the Year A Plymouth company, which creates elearning for famous global clients across more than 100 countries, has…