Children’s elearning charity gets a boost from Sponge Thanks to everyone who supported #ShareYourSponge, our fundraising campaign to help children around the…

Sponge's Louise Pasterfield shortlisted for PwC business award Louise Pasterfield, Managing Director at Sponge UK is a finalist in the 2018 UK Private Business…

Find out how digital learning, microlearning and reinforcement make your omnichannel retail strategy more effective.

Triple award win for AXA’s inspired customer services team Judges at the Learning Awards 2018 are the latest to recognise our blended learning campaign for…

Is training failing deskless workers? Liam O’Meara shares a 5-step rescue plan to reach the large numbers of deskless workers who are missing out on learning…

Blended learning gold award win for AXA and Sponge Judges at the LT Awards have praised this innovative blended learning programme as a "considerable…

Sponge’s Jason Butler wins Learning Developer of the Year at LT Awards The first gold award recognising excellence in learning technologies development has…

Sponge UK's 'Games Evangelist' Jason Butler is in the running for a major award recognising the role of learning developers.

6 monumental retail problems your people can solve Charlotte Bryce looks at how store associates are being under-estimated in the fight against retail’s…

‘Inspiring’ project by AXA and Sponge UK named double award finalist We’re delighted to be shortlisted for two major awards with our friends at AXA. Find…

When you focus on three of the most important areas of retail onboarding, you can ensure the strategy tackles your biggest challenges by identifying priorities.

At the start of a new job many employees feel highly motivated and excited about their future prospects. In this blog we explore the benefits of induction training.